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"All your children shall be taught by the

Lord, and great shall be the peace of

your children."             Isaiah 54:13 


SOS For The Students has developed a curriculum that is centered on the idea of "What Would Jesus Do?" (W.W.J.D.). Old and New Testament stories and parables are used to teach the concepts of the character described in the Bible of how each person is to act and treat other people. The lessons are to instill into each SOS Student's first thought before saying or doing something: What Would Jesus Do? The Biblical curriculum avoids getting into theology and doctrine of church denominations but focuses on the fundamental lesson that teaches that in everything you do, to treat people the same way you want them to treat you.


SOS! For The Students works with schools to ensure they will not miss any direct, academic instruction. The students are transported off the school campus during one of their elective classes or during their lunch/recess times. Biblical character being taught during the school day is FREE  to any student signed up to the program. 


When students arrive at the SOS! For the Students location (off school grounds) they eat their lunch during the main presentation of the lesson. We are hopeful that as students fill their stomachs and mouths we can fill their ears and hearts with the character of Jesus.



“Digging Deeper” happens once  the lesson is completed. This is where questions are asked, students use their personal Bible to learn about the character of Jesus. Here they are also able to have open discussions about the lesson and learn about character and how it applies to their lives.  Patience, kindness, faithfulness, respect, forgiveness, and self-control will all be covered and students will be asked to think about how this applies to their own lives and to those with whom they are surrounded.

Some examples of student character lessons are the following:


Mary and Martha =  Patience


Disciples & Faith in Action = Kindness


Worship =  Faithfulness


Golden Rule = Respect


Prodigal Son =  Forgiveness


Temptation = Self-Control


Bus used by SOS! For The Students to transport students off school property.


Complete the form to notify your school district of your support.

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Please contact us if you have any questions
or you want to answer the distress call of
students by becoming a SOS! Partner.

U. S. Mail:    SOS! For The Students
                        P.O. Box 412
                       White House, TN   37188

© 2025 SOS! For The Students

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