
"By this all people will know that
you are my disciples, if you have
love for one another." John 13:34
Meet The Team
Mark Munson
Safety Director
Martin Morgan
Community Relations Director
When I was a teenager, becoming a Christian was the furthest thing from my mind. I was so engrossed in sports and social life that I didn’t think much about God. My parents were
good, moral, church going educators. I had many friends and was a leader in my school.
My relationship with Christ motivates me to walk in the power of His Spirit… laying aside my selfish pursuits and letting Him direct my steps. It’s a never-ending process, but wow is it
fulfilling and exciting!
Janet Zatto
Administrative Assistant
Janet recently came to follow Jesus Christ a little over 2 years ago. She has a
corporate background as a Compensation Manager. In 2016, she left the
corporate world to start her own Personal Training business. Janet enjoys helping others along on their journey to a healthy lifestyle. She has been married for 32 years, has two grown children and two grandchildren. Janet became a part of SOS! For The Students as an answer to a calling from the Lord to share His Good News with as many public students as possible so that they can become faithful servants of the Lord by learning, speaking, living and sharing the Word of God.
Beth Bixby
Education Director
Elizabeth Bixby is excited to be a part of SOS! For the Students! She grew up in Ohio, and became a
Christian while attending a Baptist church, that had a very dynamic, and biblically based young teens ministry. Beth’s neighbors invited her to church and she continued attending through her high school
years. She was fortunate to find an equally vibrant church in college. Beth graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelor’s in Special Education. Later, she earned her Master’s Degree from Saint
Frances University, also in Special Education. Beth, alongside her husband, raised their family of three children and enjoyed many exciting times of travel and days in the backyard pool. She taught for 29 years in the public school system. After a very fulfilling career in Indiana and retiring, she moved to Tennessee to be near her grandchildren. A friend from Indiana shared that she had become a part of Bible Released Time
Education, and urged Beth to look into it. SOS! For the Students! is perfectly suited to sharing the character of Jesus with students in a systematic and fun way. Having seen the trials with which children
are currently faced, Beth can think of no greater hope than them learning about strengthening their character, with the Bible as the textbook. She fully believes it will be transformative to the growth of their hearts, minds and souls! Jesus is enough.
Gary Bull
Partner Relations Director
Gary Bull was born in Memphis, TN, and has lived in the Nashville area for 30 years. Gary has followed Christ since he was 12 years old. He graduated from Williamstown Bible College in West Virginia with a Christian Ministry degree. Gary and his wife, Michelle, have two daughters, a son, and nine grandboys.
They have been married 46 years. Gary was a manager in the industrial uniform industry for 25 years and modular building sales and rental for 8 years. He is now happily retired. When he first learned about Released Time Bible Education (RTBE) in 2021, he thought there was no way that was true.
However, after researching and finding out that RTBE is unquestionably legal, Gary is dedicating his life
to spreading the news about RTBE and providing Biblical character instruction to public school students
in the middle of the school day. Gary deeply believes the Word of God in our next generation will stop the craziness in our country today.
Jess Dillon
Vice President/Treasurer
Jess made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ over 50+ years ago as a teenager
and was an Eagle Scout in Wilmington, DE. After backsliding in his earlier years, he re-dedicated his life after his first wife divorced him in 1989. He has been married to his second wife Brenda for 33-years now. Their blended family includes 6-children (one with the Lord), 11-grandkids and 11-great grandkids.
Jess had spent 35+ years in sales, sales management or superstore management
for Circuit City and The Tennessean (Gannett) newspaper after ten years of various sales jobs prior to that. He has been a member of Three Oaks Church for
20+ years and has been a very active Gideon for 15+ years. He has been a
Treasurer and a Church Board member. He served the Middle TN Home Builders Association for 15+ years and was the inaugural non-builder recipient of the Hall of Fame “Legend of the Industry “ from the HBAMT Sales and Marketing Council in 2018.
Michael Bull
Transportation Director
Michael Bull was born in Memphis, TN and for
the past 28 years Middle Tennessee has been his home. Michael began to follow Jesus when he was 12 years old. At 16 years old, he was a bus captain responsible for organizing the transportation of children
to and from church services. Also that year he met his future wife on a missionary trip. Five years later they were married and he has been holding her hand for the past 42 years. God blessed them with two
sons, whom they are very proud. Michael graduated college with a music education degree and was a band director. Later he worked as a retail manager at Walmart and other retailers for 29 years. His
hobbies are playing the trumpet and photography which is now a business. When he first heard about Released Time Bible Education (RTBE) his reaction was like most people, the person telling him about it had lost their mind and that can’t be legal! He learned that not only is it was legal but also the State of California, the last place you would imagine having RTBE, has had it since 1943 with one of the largest programs in the nation. Middle Tennessee is way
behind. Michael’s goal is to help SOS! For The Students have a positive impact on student’s character
and lives with Released Time Bible Education in Tennessee.
Carole Dollar
Carole Dollar is a pure heart advocate. She is a gifted Bible teacher and understands the issues of the
heart and the end time work of Holy Spirit in the Church.
She has a background in Country Music, State Government and Federal Government. Carole is multi-talented and writes, sings and preaches to the glory of God. Her ministry experience includes church revivals, conferences, seminars, prisons, jail, radio, television (TBN & CTN), missionary
trips to West Africa, West Indies, Israel and Ecuador. Many of her articles and poems have been published in magazines and newspapers and one published book, The End Church Bearing The Ark of God's Glory.
She is currently a member of Christ Worship Center, White House, TN and assist her Pastors Steve
Malone and Roy MeGregor and serves as director of Women's Ministry. And serves as a board member
for S.O.S. For the Students. She is also ordained with the International Ministerial Association, Dr.
Timothy Warner General Board Chairman
Joe Ray
Joe made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ over 40+ years ago. He has been involved with various ministries as a lay person. In 2009 God called him to start and lead a work called Accurate Image Ministries, (AIM). The ministry has all volunteer staff, no one in the ministry receives payment for their work. Joe spent 30+ years directing and leading clinical research support teams in Medical Affairs with two Pharmaceutical companies. He received his undergraduate and graduate training at the University of Louisville, and University of Louisville School of Medicine. He became a part of SOS! For The Students to further the life giving Character of Jesus Christ. The message that He is The Way, The Truth and The Life.